Monday, May 21, 2007

Chapter 4

“Those guys are really starting to get on my nerves.” Rangorax said.
“Amen” Sevyon agreed. They minivan was flying down the road at least 50mph. Mommy wasn’t worried about speeding. It wasn’t like any policeman were going to pull them over, and it wasn’t like they were going to hit anyone else. She had already made it up in her mind that they were the only living people on the planet.
“Where are we going Mommy?” Johan asked.
“Anywhere to get away from those things. She replied. They reached the highway. “I think we should swing by the grocery store and see if we can grab some supplies.”
“Do we have any money?” Rangorax asked.
“Something tells me that we won’t have to pay for it.” Sevyon said. Weird concept. They didn’t have to pay anybody for anything because there wasn’t anybody. Kerjov groaned.
“Are you awake honey?” Mommy asked her daughter in a sweet tone.
“My head is killing me…” She moaned.
“Do you remember what happened to your arm?” Johan asked. “It was stinking sweet Mommy! She picked up Dad’s old hockey stick and went commando on those little beasties!”
“I don’t remember that…” She said. Her voice was soft from being weak. “All I remember was one of those things jumping on my arm and slashing it. Then another one jumped on my head and everything went black…”
“That’s when I grabbed the hockey stick and beat them off of her. They disappeared. It was really cool!” Johan exclaimed.
“Well good work little buddy. You saved your sister’s life.” Sevyon said while he gave Johan a high five. Kerjov sat up and looked at the two boys. She obviously had not been aware of their presence.
“Who are...” She started to ask, but her mother cut her short.
“These two boys are Sevyon and Rangorax. They saved our lives a little bit ago. Sevyon single-handedly covered our retreat from the basement. We owe are lives to these boys. This van we are riding in is theirs also. They have guns with them too.” Kerjov looked at Rangorax and then Sevyon. Sevyon turned his head. He could never get himself to look a girl in the eyes. They made him nervous. Rangorax smiled at her and held out his hand.
“Pleased to meet you.” He greeted. She shook his hand and held out hers for Sevyon to shake. He reached over and shook it with a pitiful weak shake while keeping his eyes on the ground. Sevyon did not mean to appear rude, but his entire life girls had made him squeamish. Just then something smashed into the window. Glass flew all over the interior of the van. They swerved.
“What was that?” Johan asked excitedly. No one had to answer his question. They looked out the shattered window at a large almost dragon like creature. It had it’s claws extended and it flew at the van again at an incredibly high speed. Rangorax thought fast. Out came the shotgun. BLAM! It disappeared.
“I’m glad that’s over.” Rangorax then replied.
“I don’t think so.” Sevyon said while pointing out the window. There was a massive flock of the creatures flying parallel with the minivan. Sevyon pulled out his rifle and began firing with his buddy Rangorax. The things just kept coming. Eventually there were so many that they began kicking the van with their feet. The two boys could no longer keep them all away.
“Mommy!” Rangorax yelled.
“Are you talking to me?” Johan’s mother asked.
“No time for formal introductions right now. Hold this!” He handed her a pistol. She smashed the drivers side window down and began firing at the ones that were blocking her view of the road while trying to drive with her other hand.
“I could use one” Kerjov offered. Sevyon looked at her in a weird way that seemed to say something like… “Girls can’t use guns.” Rangorax saw the possible confrontation coming and pulled the gun from Sevyon’s pocket and handed it to her. Kerjov smiled at Rangorax who smiled back. Sevyon sighed to himself. Rangorax always was the ladies man. He wondered why.
Kerjov began firing out the window with amazing accuracy. She had to have been trained with one of these things, but the beasts began pouring down harder and harder. The small army couldn’t keep the gianormous flock of the things away. A group of them slammed into the side of the van. Mommy swerved. Another group began to charge. Mommy saw this one coming and swung the van to the side just in time. Unfortunately she didn’t see the other group coming from the opposite side. She slammed the van right into them as they charged. The van flipped while still going 80 down the highway. Everyone inside screamed. It came to a stop. Everybody climbed out of the vehicle and checked themselves for injuries. They were all fine. The van was totaled though. As they looked around at their surroundings, that could be a problem. All throughout the sky they could see the dragon-like beasts and in the road surrounding them were thousands of the small ant-like beasts.
“I knew this wasn’t my day.” Sevyon thought to himself.


crashed yet lived said...

Oh the excitement i cant contain it i cant wait for the next chapter.^_^

Daddy's lil girl said...

I love it! The humor in that one was fantastic! And yeah right girls can't shoot! lol can't wait for the next one! =)